Learn what Kinesiology is all about in a half-day workshop dedicated to your wellbeing. You'll leave with techniques that empower you to ease stress and pain, and set your life on a path to optimal health ... no matter what genetic hand you've been dealt!


How to biohack your genetic blueprint

Just because you have a family history of a condition or disease doesn't mean you are destined for the same outcome. Discover the science behind epigenetics and what you can do to promote healing, health and longevity.

How to listen to what your body is saying

Use self-testing to tap into your body's innate wisdom on what it needs to thrive. Just as your body knows how to mend a broken bone or heal a bruise, it knows how to optimise your wellbeing – if we learn how to get out of the way.

How to bring clarity, calmness & ease

You'll master how to find the emotion underlying an issue, and learn an effective technique to diffuse stress, ease pain, and come back into balance within minutes. As you'll discover, Kinesiology is all about energy and empowerment



Terese Mudgway

PKP Kinesiologist

Terese Mudgway is a seasoned Kinesiologist, coach, teacher, speaker and mentor. Drawing from a diverse source of experience, skills and training, Terese offers a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and practical tools to her clients and students. Coupled with a compassionate and authentic commitment to people, she's a leader in the holistic health industry, fostering growth, empowerment, health, balance and wellbeing. Terese works in-house with organisations to optimise their teams. She is co-founder of The Nidana Collective Kinesiology Academy.

Sarah Gilmour-Mayne

PKP Kinesiologist

As one of Australasia's most experienced Kinesiology teachers, mentors, speakers and co-founder of The Nidana Collective Kinesiology Academy, Sarah has trained many of Australia’s leading professional Kinesiologists for more than 20 years.

With accreditations in nutritional medicine, homeopathy, NLP coaching and hypnosis, she is passionate about teaching people how to use these powerful tools in their own lives. As a clinician, Sarah empowers her clients to tap into their innate healing blueprint & live their potential in all areas of life.

SYDNEY – 29 SEPT 2024


Kinesiology for Wellbeing

Half-day workshop

Cost: $120



Kinesiology for Wellbeing

Half-day workshop

Cost: $120

SYDNEY – 17 NOV 2024


Kinesiology for Wellbeing

Half-day workshop

Cost: $120

Experience the magic of Kinesiology


Do I have to know anything about Kinesiology to do the workshop?

Absolutely not! Total Kinesiology newbies through to people who are thinking about becoming a Kinesiologist will learn and benefit from this workshop. Everyone's welcome!

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a powerful holistic therapeutic modality combining western anatomy and physiology with Traditional Chinese Medicine. Kinesiology uses ‘muscle testing’ to access insights into all areas of an individual's health. These insights are then used to align body, mind and spirit for an optimal life experience. In this workshop you'll learn techniques that enable your body to regain its natural healing rhythm and allow you to thrive.

What will I learn in the workshop?

You'll master amazing techniques you can use to support your own wellbeing every day, and that of the people you care about. These easy-to-learn tools can be used whenever you need a boost in energy or to calm your nerves during times of stress or anxiety.

Can I use the techniques to help my kids?

Kinesiology techniques are gentle and effective on people of all ages! You can use them to help children calm down for sleep, soothe anxiety or give them a confidence boost before an exam or competition. Best of all, you can teach your kids how to use the tools to support their own wellbeing


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© The Nidana Collective 2024