The Nidana Collective - Kinesiology for Every Body

The Nidana Collective - Kinesiology for Every Body




As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, spring is a season of renewal and rejuvenation. It's the perfect time to not only declutter your home but also to refresh your mindset and boost your self-esteem. Just as you tidy up your physical space, it's important to give your self-esteem a spring cleaning to help you feel more confident, positive, and ready to embrace new opportunities. In this article, we explore some effective strategies to help you spruce up your self-esteem and enjoy a brighter, more self-assured you.

SPRING CLEAN YOUR SELF ESTEEM: A refreshing guide to boosting confidence.

Picking Up What You're Putting Down

We have been thrilled to receive feedback from some of our readers (all positive too thank goodness) and we've taken on your here's a little more of what you are asking for:

1. Is there a simple kinesiology technique for jet lag? "YES"

The great news is you learn it in our Kinesiology Self Care Workshop. Here's what Jo thought of it: "On a recent trip to the USA, I used the ‘time of day’ balance I learned in TNC's self-care course to beat jet lag! It worked so well I now do it every time I travel. So grateful for this and many other techniques I learned in the course. Amazing stuff!"

2. Do you do any short kinesiology courses? "YES"

We sure do and you can read all about it in this newsletter....check out our half day workshop below.

3. Can I kinesiology help my kids? "YES"

Check out our youtube chanel here where you can see Sarah doing simple 'brain integration' techniques with her kids.

Do you have a question? Want further information about anything to do with kinesiology, wellbeing or something that matters to you? We'd love to help so please send us an email at

Quotable Quote

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is nor how valuable nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.”

Martha Graham, dancer & choreographer


If you haven’t heard, or read, about the 'Human Design' model, you may well be living under a proverbial rock. This model of exploration into personal development has a buzz that is picking up a fever pace through the world of wellbeing and personal development. It is the thing to know and explore……to know and explore one’s self.

I was introduced to human design by my colleague and friend Chrissy Holland. After 20+ years as a kinesiologist I had found something that elevated what was possible to a whole new level. I started by having my chart done….”interesting” I thought. Then I had my partner's done…..”mind blowing!!!”. The best investment I have ever made in a relationship!!! In alignment with my true nature, I was in boots and all and enrolled to learn as much as possible and qualify as a human design coach. I embarrassed the knowledge with the same fervour I did my kinesiology studies way back when.

Fast forward to last week, and I had the pleasure of delivering our first ‘Authenticity in Action’ workshop to a team of people at the Brisbane Business Hub. Together with Amanda Trenfield, we explored the potential and possibilities of productivity and empowerment for individuals and teams in the corporate arena. Based on human design, and tailored for organisational integration, it was a resounding success. So much so we are working on modifying the format to deliver to individuals like yourself.

For those of you who are ‘rock dwellers’, here’s a little info: Human Design is a unique personality and self-discovery system that combines elements of astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the Chakra systems. Developed by Ra Uru Hu in the late 20th century, it offers insights into an individual’s life purpose, decision making strategy, and personal design to optimise their journey through life.

Interested in knowing more about your design, contact either myself, or Amanda and we will be happy to introduce ‘you to you’ in all your unique and delicious wonder.

Book It!!!

Nathaniel Branden’s Six Pillars of Self-Esteem is a timeless masterpiece that delves deep into the psychology of self-worth. Through profound insights and practical exercises, Branden guides readers on a transformative journey towards building and nurturing their self-esteem. The six pillars he explores in his book form a sturdy foundation for self-improvement and include: living consciously; self-acceptance; self-responsibility; self-assertiveness; purposefulness; and personal integrity. The concepts are accessible with real-life examples to make it easy to integrate. This book is a beacon for empowerment, offering invaluable tools to break free from self-doubt and unlock the negativity we use to hold ourselves back. A great read with concepts to begin cultivating your self-esteem and personal growth.


Profiling Someone Who Deserves A Shoutout

Ok, so there is a theme to all our favourite people we are introducing you to……our favourite kinesiologists!! And Kate Anderson is no exception. Our journey with Kate began a very long time ago when she was still at university. Needless to say, the day she decided to join us in the world of kinesiology was an exciting day indeed. Years and three children later, Kate has a thriving practice in Summer Hill, as well as being a chosen Nidana Collective mentor as she supports and assists our students through their studies. If her name sounds familiar, that is because amongst her many skills and talents, she has published a children’s kinesiology book which we featured in our August newsletter. If you live in the Summer Hill area, and are looking for a kinesiologist for the whole family, Kate is your girl:



Then our 'Epigenetic Cycles Workshop' is a great place to start!

GOLD COAST (12th Nov)

SYDNEY (19th Nov)

The Nidana Collective is excited to announce the launch of a new half-day kinesiology workshops!

Designed to empower you to enhance your health and happiness, you’ll learn how to boost your energy, control how you respond to stress, and set your wellbeing on a wonderful new trajectory - no matter what genetic hand you’ve been dealt.

The half-day Epigenetic Healing Cycles Workshopp will run in two locations in November - Sydney and the Gold Coast. Join us to discover AMAZING TECHNIQUES you can use daily to enhance how you feel and relate to the world. You’ll also learn POWERFUL SELF-CARE TOOLS that support your wellbeing as you move easily and joyfully towards your goals.

Click below for all the information you'll need to know to decide if this is for you.

If you already know, and you are a keen bean, here's where you...



Whilst we often consider the 'spring clean' of many areas of life throughout the month of spring, cleansing the body is often ignored. An important and vital part of our overall wellbeing, a healthy digestive system ensures efficient nutrient absorption, regular bowel movements, and a reduced risk of gastrointestinal issues, contributing to improved immunity, mood and long-term health.

In honour of the spring cleaning season, we've put together an article to share the 6 key steps to a healthier, happier bowel: Dynamic Digestion

Top Paleo Fibre Sources

  • Split peas, lentils, black beans, mung beans
  • Sweet fruits: Figs, apples, pears
  • Artichokes
  • Blackberries and raspberries
  • Chia, quinoa and flaxseed

The Perils of Comparison

In today’s hyper-connected world, where social media dominates our daily lives, the dangers of comparison loom larger than ever. While it's natural to assess ourselves in relation to others, this constant measuring up can have significant negative consequences on our mental & emotional health, our relationships and our lives in general.

Comparison often leads to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Scrolling through carefully curated social media feeds, we see the highlight reels of others' lives, and it's easy to forget that these are just snapshots, not the full picture. Constantly comparing ourselves to these idealized versions can be destructive, as we perceive ourselves as falling short – ‘not enough’ of some made up measure of something.

Click here for the full article...